Hello and welcome to my "office!"

How I became a photographer...At a young age I realized I loved writing short stories, illustrating them and asking lots of questions...all the time! So it was a given I would be an author of children's books and in my spare time be a journalist...RIGHT?!

As I got older I realized that I tend to ramble when it comes to writing (and talking), my drawing skills weren't all that great and though I had tons of questions to ask...I just could never narrow down the story to "the news" and well Oprah had pretty much taken that gig ...and who can compete with Oprah?   So I decided to pick up a camera and give it a try when I was in my early teens. I photographed my first wedding at the age of 16 with a borrowed Canon Rebel 35mm, developed the prints in a school dark room and I WAS HOOKED!

Here I am many years later and I still love being able to capture all the scenes of life! We live in a world where everyone is so busy and changing so much, that memories speed by even quicker these days...I love freeze framing a moment in time!